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January 2018

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F.-E. L’Faqihi-Olive awarded by the CNRS

The TRI Platform is honored through the presentation of the CNRS Cristal Medal to Fatima-Ezzahra L’Faqihi-Olive. In charge of the CPTP's technical facility of cytometry and cell sorting, part of the TRI-Genotoul platform, Fatima teaches in master’s degree of immunology at the University Paul Sabatier in...

24 January
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Imaging in support of Cancer Immunotherapy

The pharmaceutical company Roche and the Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology (IPBS) share the objective of developing cancer control strategies. While Roche is a major player in the development of immunotherapy strategies, IPBS aims to identify and characterize new therapeutic targets in the cancer field...

23 January
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GeT: The Chromium device from 10x Genomics

During the last year, the GeT platform strengthened its technological offer in "single molecule" and "single cell" analysis. Indeed, 5 years ago, the platform was positioned among the first in "early access" on an automatic device for "Single Cell" preparation: the C1 of the Fluidigm...

23 January